Monday, January 8, 2018

An Introduction to My Aviation Journey


My name is Ehab Gano and I have been attending Eastern Michigan University since the year of 2015. I was originally born in Baghdad, Iraq and lived there until I was about 12 years old. My parents decided to come to the United States after the war of 2003. It had become too dangerous to live in Baghdad, especially if you were Christian/Catholic. December of 2008 marked the time I had first stepped foot in the USA. For about half of my life, I grew up in the east side of Michigan. I'm 21 years old and very outgoing. My school and work schedule has been very busy in the last couple years, but I like to spend time with my family as much as possible. Getting an education is very important to me and I strongly believe it is the key to where I want to go in the future. 

Interests in Aviation 

I come from a family that has literally nothing to do with aviation or flying, although they are very supportive of my career decision. My passion towards airplane and wanting to be a professional Airline Pilot started when I was a kid. My father had always bought me airplane toys and introduced me to others as "my future captain". This started to grow when I first stepped on airplane from Baghdad to Jordan. I enjoyed being at the airport, watching flight crews walk around and witness the amount of respect the received, I enjoyed watching airplanes take-off and land, and when it got time to get on an airplane-- I did not want to leave. I'm the type of person that always volunteered to drop off and pick people up whenever the destination included an airport. I was asked to research a career to pursue in the future, an airline pilot was it. I meet with pilots, went on a discovery flight, I fell in love, and I finally knew what I want to do in the future. Become an Airline Pilot.

My Aviation Status 

I'm Attending Eastern Michigan University, currently as sophomore pursuing a degree in Aviation Flight Technology, with concentration in airline Dispatch. I am due to graduate summer of 2020, if there are no delays or troubles to be encountered. I am also working on getting my pilot certifications up to the Airline Transport Pilot Certification. Wit1h that being said, private pilot certification is currently in process and I have been flight training for the past two years. I will also continue to fly until unable to do so-- for whatever the reason might be (hopefully none). 

Future in Aviation 

I am currently flight training and working towards my private pilot certification, which should be all done by the end of winter 2018. I plan on finishing up my Aviation degree as well as all my ratings in the next two to three years. I will also flight instruct to log all the hours needed to reach the airlines. My final future goal is to be a professional Airline pilot for a middle eastern airline, such as fly emirates. Long way to go but with hard work and dedication, everything is possible 

Aviation Topics 

Some of the Aviation Topics that highly Interest me are as follows:
  • International Employment
  • International Policies 
  • Accident Studies 
  • Automation and How it Affects the Human-Machine Interaction 
  • Future Technologies in relation to flying
  • Public Perception of Safety 
  • Single Pilot/ No pilot future commercial airline operations

1 comment:

  1. Ehab,

    I think its awesome that you want to fly for the Emirates. Looking at their operations for their company is really cool and definitely have the customer in mind. What part are ya at in private? Once ya get it done it'll feel like a heavy weight has been lifted off of your shoulders keep pushing through man! I also agree with you on the topic of automation. I am really intrigued on once we go into the airlines and see how future technology will affect the human interaction with the airplane itself.



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