Tuesday, April 17, 2018

In Depth - Pilot Mental Illness Screening

     Under Germanwings flight 9525, an Airbus A320 was deliberately flown by the first officer into the ground from an altitude of 38,000 feet in a matter of 11 minutes. This was the result of placing the life of over 150 people in the hands of a mentally ill pilot, who was not caught by the current system of mental health screening. The system practiced by the Federal Aviation Administration and airline companies to screen pilots for mental illnesses is similar to the one used by the German authorities. Therefore, the catastrophic and unfortunate accident of Germanwings flight 9525 marked the beginning of doubts in the methods used here in the United States to screen pilots. It was clear then that the process being utilized by the regulatory and employer side of the industry may be corrupt and could potentially be a concern to the safety of millions of passengers flying daily. There was and still is a need to further address, assess, and eliminate all risk in any way possible without introducing regulations that will complicate the process, or make it less practical. The system of airline pilot mental health screening could fail, and likely will fail at some point, just like any other system. Although, there is evidence that does indeed prove the presences of mentally unstable pilots in the cockpit of airplanes that we all fly on. However, there isn’t enough data to suggest a crisis at hand nor a practical solution.  fact alone is unsettling to think about. According to a Journal of Environmental Health study, as many as 13 percent of airline pilots met the threshold of clinical depression (Wu et al., 2016). The study later stated that more than 4 percent of participants admitted having experienced suicidal thoughts in the two weeks prior to taking the survey (Wu et al.,2016). As a young aviator wanting to pursue a career as an airline pilot, I can think of the job as being very stressful at times, but depressive? Maybe to those who has a long history of depression, like Lubitz. There are many other factors (outside of the job environment) that are causing those individuals to show symptoms as the study and other sources suggest.
     There is no surprise here that the subject is of a huge interest to the mainstream media of the aviation industry. The regulatory system and the FAA itself, were put up for questions. There was a need to further clarify what airlines have in place to screen as well as keep track of pilot mental illnesses on their end. In aviation, where there is little room for error, we witness heavy regulations put in place in the aftermath of most accidents. The Germanwings accident was a huge eye opener to the issue, but actions in response should be carried out a bit differently so that the industry does not experience a detriment. I will argue that our regulatory body and airline companies are taking all proactive approaches needed to eliminate as much associated risk as possible with the mental wellness of pilots. Therefore, no further regulations, which are leading factors to the shortage of pilots and the resulting crisis endured, are needed. We must keep in mind that pilots are human beings, and no profession is bulletproof against every human weakness. So, we shall not try to make an airline pilot bulletproof to any of the psychological complications that an ordinary human may face throughout the course of life.

An Opposing Point of View

     Many people within our aviation industry can agree that FAA needs to implement a stricter method to screen pilots for mental illness. In the Germanwings accident, Andreas Lubitz showed a long history of depressive episodes in which he was treated with heavy antidepressants and was in fact put back on medications when symptoms began to appear while mistakenly being considered “fit” to fly passengers daily (Hammer, 2016). As to how on earth Lubitz was allowed near a cockpit, the answer remains within the investigations of the Germany authorities and the doctor who failed to disclose information to his employer, which we cannot blame as he was abiding by the medical information privacy law act. Such facts show that the strenuous screening and training procedures does not guarantee the cockpits of the planes we board daily are empty from mentally and emotionally troubled personnel. It suggests that as “thorough” as the mental screening process are, more could be done. 

     Another issue that seem troubling to many is the actual medical examinations for pilots. American airline pilots are required to undergo a medical examination that is administered by an FAA certified medical examiner annually or every six months, depending on their age. An argument can be made that “there is no formal psychological testing during the examinations”, which in that case the statement is a valid one. In response to the issue, an article published by Foxnews states that “most of the exam is devoted to the pilot’s physical conditions” and “examiners aren’t required to ask specific mental-health questions” (Foxnews, 2016). The exam also provides a medical history form and the FAA asks every pilot to self-disclose their mental history and warns that failure to do so will result in monetary fines (FAA, 2016). The current method of screening for pilot mental illnesses might be starting to look sketchy. A person that is mentally unstable and possibly on heavy medications or drugs of some sort could walk into an AME’s office check “No” on the form that asks if he/she has ever been diagnosed with a mental illness, and walk out several minutes later with a first-class medical certification in their position, right? And you could very well be a passenger, on flight whose pilot-in-command is not mentally stable. Rest assure, it is not as easy as it is or as I might be making it seem. In fact, there is rarely any accident records indicating pilot mental illness as one of the probable causes. The NTSB aviation accident data base could very well back my words up.  

A Proactive Approach 

     While realizing that the industry could not afford regulating the pilot’s mental illness screening methods, the FAA avoided regulations on the matter and acted upon a proactive approach. If the process was to get complicated, we will for sure witness a huge number of pilots grounded from flying and lining up in front of a clinical psychologist’s office. Not necessarily because they are mentally ill, but more likely due to the impracticality of the process. If the FAA or airline companies were to heavily focus on the psychological testing of pilots, it is assumed that it will be done through a questionnaire evaluations that are dependent response of those pilots. The impractically of this method lies within the actual psychological evaluation itself. Keep in mind that throughout the “testing” it is possible to “flag a lot of people who are normal but for some reason or other, on that day, give you a strange response”, says aviation psychologist Dr. Diane Damos (Davies, 2017). The so-called evaluation would then be very ineffective as it reveals the pilot’s mental state for only a certain period of time, with no further insight into problems that may occur later. The FAA or the airliner company would then need to monitor almost 50,000 thousand pilot. I am certain that this is way beyond their capabilities.

      Surprisingly enough, this time Michael Huerta (former head administrator of the FAA) had it figured out just right. On a documented interview, he aimed to “do more to remove the stigma surrounding mental illness in the aviation industry so pilots are more likely to self-report, get treated and return to work” (Foxnews, 2016). In the previous days, a pilot could be denied a medical certificate and lose their professional flying career if reported any mental health issues. For obvious reasons, hiding mental illness symptoms was a very reasonable thing for airline pilots to do. The veil on pilot mental illness and on depression for the most part has finally been removed among the airline communities. The old days are way gone and things are heading in the right direction. Non-punitive actions are currently taken towards airlines pilots who self-report information regarding their mental health. On the other hand, the FAA has been allowing the issuance of a medical certificate for those who are suffering mild to moderate depression and therefore prescribed medication such as antidepressants (FAA, 2010). It is safe to assume in this case that the regulatory body of our industry is taking the necessarily precautions to ensure pilots are up to job mentally as they are physically.  The Airline companies’ role towards their pilot’s mental illness screening is an important one. The Pilot Fitness Aviation Rulemaking Committee (ARC) recently published its voluntary recommendations to further guide airline companies in assigning duties to pilots that are mentally fit. In its recommendation, the ARC asks air carriers “to implement mental health education programs for pilots and supervisors that improve awareness and recognition of mental health issues, reduce stigmas, and promote available resources to assist with resolving mental health problems” (FAA, 2015). Many American airlines are making positive changes and adopting to the recommendations made by the ARC. They have become way more supportive to pilots who experience mental difficulties then anyone might have expected before. 

     Many, if not all, major airlines provide their own personality evaluations during the pre-employment process. While those evaluations are designed to examine how well a pilot’s personality fit the operating environment of the company, they do somewhat focus on the mental state of the personnel. Much of the pilot’s mental illness screening methods at the airliner level is done through surveillance. To aid surveillance of those who could be mentally unstable, airline companies are now provide reporting system such as Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS). The idea behind the reporting systems is to allow the pilot and their colleagues to self-report themselves or each other when mental wellness red flags are raised, but of course with full confidentiality. Help is being provided to those whose name come up in the reports. The actions by the airlines are also non-punitive so that a pilot who is at risk for depression does not fear negative career consequences. Many airlines are even offering paid medical leaves, increasing the pilot’s willingness to self-report and seek help when truly needed. While no amount of surveillance can fully eliminate the risk of placing plots with histories of depression or reliance on medication, the idea of making this matter something a pilot can be open about is a big step towards a “mentally fit” cockpit.  

In Conclusion 

     The mental wellness of airline pilots is crucial to the safe operation of the aircraft. It is unsettling to think that a person flying you from point A to point B could be mentally challenged. Although with all certainty, that is rarely the case. We can forever discuss whether there is a need for additional psychological teasing but in the end, were all forced to rely on a set of presumptions. In other words, we must trust what the industry is doing is regards to the matter. As stated above, no profession is bulletproof against human weakness. Our industry will suffer greatly and experience a crisis of pilot shortage if we were to ever think of way to make airliner pilots bulletproof to any mental complication an average person may endure. The FAA and aviation community are taking the correct proactive approach to help eliminate all risks associated within the scope of the issue at hand. The safety of flight and passengers are, with no doubt, the priority of every party involved in the aviation world. Removing the stigma around pilot’s mental state by allowing them to be open about without fearing negative career implications is the way to go. So, rest assure, sit down, relax, fasten your seatbelt and enjoy the ride. The people flying your plane are exactly what you expect them to be: a nothing short of excellent professionals whom safety is their number one priority. 


Davies A. (2017, June 03). We have no way to screen every pilot for mental illness. Retrieved from https://www.wired.com/2015/03/no-way-screen-every-pilot-mental-illness/ 

FAA. (2016, June 09). Fact Sheet – Pilot Mental Fitness. Federal Aviation Administration. Retrieved from https://www.faa.gov/news/fact_sheets/news_story.cfm?newsId=20455

FAA. (2010, April 02). Press Release: FAA Proposes New Policy on Antidepressants for pilots. Federal Aviation Administration. Retrieved from https://www.faa.gov/news/press_releases/news_story.cfm?newsId=11293 

FAA. (2015, November 18). Pilot Fitness Aviation Rulemaking Committee Report: November 18, 2015. Federal Aviation Administration. Retrieved from https://www.faa.gov/regulations_policies/rulemaking/committees/ documents/index.cfm/document/information/documentID/2762

Foxnews. (2016, June 10). FAA: No psychological testing needed of airline pilots. Retrieved from http://www.foxnews.com/health/2016/06/10/faa-no-psychological-testing-needed-airline-pilots.html

Hammer, J. (2016, February 22). The real story of Germanwings Flight 9525. Retrieved February 27, 2018. From https://www.gq.com/story/germanwings-flight-9525-final-moments 

Wu, A. C., Donnelly-Mclay, D., Weisskof, M. G., McNeely, E., Betancourt, T.S., & Allen, J. G. (2016, December 15). Airplane pilot mental health and suicidal thoughts: A cross-sectional descriptive study via anonymous web-based survey. Journal of Environmental Health. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1186/s12940-016-0200-6

Friday, April 6, 2018

NextGen & Air Traffic Control Privitization

There has been multiple attempts in the recent years to change, or upgrade, our Air Traffic Control system and the way it works. Many would agree that while the traffic system used now is doing the job safely, it is somewhat outdated. Our current system is divided into 21 areas, which further divided into smaller sections (all governed by the FAA). To monitor those sectors, the ATC system does much of its operation from five different divisions that are designated for the multiple phases of flight, named the Air Traffic Control System Command Center (ATCSCC), Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC), Terminal Radar Approach Control (TRACON), Air Traffic Control Tower, and Flight Service Station (FSS) (Freudenrich, 2018). The system currently used in our nation's airspace is radar based. Aircrafts are equipped with transponders that are activated by the pilot at the departure point and modified during flight by the request of the ATC. The purpose of the transponder is to detect incoming radar signals from one of the five previously mentioned centers and broadcast an amplified signal/response to the ground stations. This amplified response signal is then received by a controller working in one of the five centers (depending on the phase of flight the aircraft is in), appearing as blip on their radar detection screens (Freudenrich, 2018). The signal emitted help provide information in regards to the aircraft and flight to the controller, and that's pretty much how our current ATC system operates. While these centers are located on the ground, the signal emitted from the aircraft's transponder must travel long distances to reach the stations and convey traffic information needed. The time delay is indeed a weakness of our current system since sometimes and in case of heavy traffic, there isn't much time to play with. The Next Gen system is aiming to make things more efficient.

Instead of relying on the above technology, that we have been using since the early 60's, the FAA has spent billions of dollars trying to come up with a new system we now call "NextGen". With the NextGen, the goal is to make the National Airspace System more efficient through safety and accommodation to the increasing number of aircrafts. This goal is based on the replacing a radar-based system to a satellite-based system called Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-). The ADS-B technology will be coupled with a new Performance Based Navigation (PBN) procedural system that will also utilize the satellite-based (GPS) technology to create a more precise route for aircraft to fly, which in turn saves money, time, fuel, and the environment because of decreased fuel consumption while increasing the volume of air traffic (FAA, 2017). The components of the NextGen, with the advanced GPS technology, will allow ATC and aircrafts to transmit real time flight and traffic information to each other in a matter of seconds. Aircrafts flying will also have real time traffic displayed in their cockpit, therefore reducing the work load of controllers and increasing situational awareness for pilots. So in a nutshell, NextGen will make operations much faster, cheaper, and more efficient. Since GPS is used, there will be more direct flights than ever before.

The privatization of Air Traffic Control is a very debated subject among the industry. People who are involved in general aviation activities are speaking against it for one main reason; money. If ATC was to be privatized, it would require the general aviation to somewhat pay up (in access fees). Part of the privatization has to do with the movement towards the NextGen technology, which would required updated avionics and so forth. The general aviation aircraft that are flying around, some worth as low as $16,000 would have to comply with the required installment of an ADS-B out, for the least. The ADS-B out installment alone is costly, ranging from $4,000 to $6,000, based on my educational knowledge. On the flip side, the airliner companies matters are completely the opposite. The primary reason as to why airlines such as, Southwest Airlines and American Airlines, are pro privatization is because they believe the FAA’s structure and funding are not capable of completing the new satellite-based project or even any modernization project. Therefore, airlines feel as if the privatization option would provide a much more efficient and financially stable operating system that will work in their favor (Bachman & Sasso, 2016). The airline's stand on privatization originates from the fact that it will potentially allow them to increase their profit by increase air traffic volume, provide them with more airspace for operations, and save money on unnecessary costs wasted on things like fuel and longer routes. I think the pro and cons differ between the GA and airline operations and that is to why we forever will witness an on-going debate about the topic. Many aviation organizations have taken their own stand on this matter. The Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) is one association that opposes ATC privatization and it believes that this will create a government-approved monopoly. Where the National Air Traffic Controllers Association is supporting the ATC privatization. NATCA strongly agrees that the FAA will not be successful is allocating the right resources to move towards the NextGen system (Wood, 2016). Therefore, allowing an outside company to take over can led to successful endeavor in this period of transition.

Throughout my research, it was very interesting to try to discover information about how the system is privatized in other countries and what the pros and cons are. In an article posted by NewYork Times, it is stated that only Canada and Britain have their system privatized, but it is a much smaller system then the one we have in the United States (NewYork Times, 2016). While this assignments asks to get into detail about the operations and funding of the ATC system of out neighboring companies, I feel as if such information is irrelevant. As stated above, the United State has a much larger and busier system. One that can not be compared to any other, as it significantly differs. Although I will state the following, before such change is made there is a need for a heavy analysis of both the positives and negatives on all sectors of the aviation industry. We must take an approach that will benefit everyone. I think the privatization of ATC has more to do with how it will effect the industry and in what way rather than whether it can or can not be done.

According to NewYork Times, the process of privatizing ATC is very bureaucratic. A bill must be introduced and approved by the House of Representatives and the Senate (as will as the approval of our president of course), before it is official (New York Times, 2016). The process is not as easy as many would think it is, the FAA does not have the ultimate decision in privatizing ATC. Recently, a bill was introduced by two reps. (Bill Shuster and Frank Lobiondo). My limited research indicated that the bill was vetoed out. Overall, the process seems to be lengthy and must take all the legal constitutional process.

I personally do not know where I stand on the ATC privatization issue. I feel like each side has its benefits and harms. While it would somehow be a detriment to general aviation, the system would benefit the US carriers in the longer run. Both are important sectors of the industry and therefore a middle ground should be reached before making any changes. I refuse to look at the issue from a point of view as to how much it will benefit the passengers, because it is invalid. Research indicates that there even if the system reduce costs to airlines, there is no guarantee that those savings would be passed to passengers. I feel like it a very tricky and confusing topic. Maybe the FAA needs to allocate some of its assets to outside companies to help them carry out the process rather than just privatizing it? I personally would not know. As of right now and while being a student pilot, I would hate to see the system place restrictions on where I can and can not fly. Also, I would to have to pay more then I already have to.


Freudenrich, P. C. (2018, March 08). How Air Traffic Control Works. Retrieved April 06, 2018, from https://science.howstuffworks.com/transport/flight/modern/air-traffic-control.htm

FAA. (2017, December 04). How NextGen Works. Federal Aviation Administration. Retrieved from https://www.faa.gov/nextgen/how_nextgen_works/

Bachman, J., & Sasso, M. (2016, November 09). Airlines to trump: block rivals and privatize air traffic control. Bloomberg. Retrieved from https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-11-09/airlines-to-trump-block-rivals-and-privatize-air-traffic-control

Wood, J. (2016). GA raises concerns over proposal to privatize atc. General Aviation News. Retrieved from http://generalaviationnews.com/2016/02/17/ga-raises-concerns-over-proposal-to-privatize-atc/

New York Times. (2016, February 15). Don't Privatize Air Traffic Control. Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/15/opinion/dont-privatize-air-traffic-control.html

In Depth - Pilot Mental Illness Screening

     Under Germanwings flight 9525, an Airbus A320 was deliberately flown by the first officer into the ground from an altitude of 38,000 fe...